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Pigcasso’s pig became a dollar millionaire by selling his paintings

Taken from Afisha / 05. 08. 2023

South African resident Joan Lefson became rich thanks to paintings painted by her pig named Pigcasso, Travel + Leisure reported.
One of the pet’s latest works sold at auction for $20,000. It has become the most expensive painting painted by an animal. Pigcasso broke the record of a 2005 Congo chimpanzee whose canvas was valued at $19,000.
Joan Lefson rescued the pig from slaughter and settled it on her farm several years ago. One day she accidentally forgot her brushes and paints in the pen and later discovered her pet’s interest in them.

“You can’t look at it and not give a lot of credit to her intelligence, personality and creativity,” commented Pigcasso’s work to her hostess.
She added that all proceeds from the paintings will go towards maintaining the farm where the rescued animals live.

The practice of selling animal paintings exists all over the world. For example, the most famous artist among dogs was a terrier named Tilly. She doesn’t use brushes and paints for her work, only her claws and teeth. The cost of the result, which resembles a lithograph, can cost several thousand dollars.

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